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Safe & Sound
Safe & Sound: Staying Safe Around Horses
Welcome to Safe & Sound
Module #1: Surviving vs. Thriving: It’s Your Choice
Surviving vs. Thriving: It's Your Choice
Lesson #1: Why Equestrian Safety is Critical
Lesson #2: Safe vs. Scared Mindset
Lesson #3: Our Impact on Equine Safety
Lesson #4: Safety Equipment for the Rider
Module One Recap
Module #2: Building a Safe Foundation
Building a Safe Foundation
Lesson #5: Equine Physiology and Psychology
Lesson #6: Choosing the Right Horse for YOU!
Lesson #7: Tack and Equipment Safety
Lesson #8: Troubleshooting When Things Go Wrong
Module Two Recap
Module 3: Training & Handling Safety
Training & Handling Safety
Lesson #9: Safety on the Ground
Lesson #10: Trailering Safety
Lesson #11: Off-Property Safety
Lesson #12: Basic Safety in the Saddle
Module Three Recap
Module 4: Equine Facility Safety and Preventative Care
Equine Facility Safety and Preventative Care
Lesson #13: Facility Safety and Design
Lesson #14: Preventative Care
Lesson #15: First Aid for Horses
Lesson #16: Equine Insurance
Module Four Recap
Thanks for Staying Safe & Sound!
Course Conclusion
Course Conclusion
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